Oct 6, 2007

I Hate Zaheer

Zaheer Khan I dont know, he doesn't fit to be in Indian Team.I couldn't understand how he is going to control the score.If he gives one four then the remaining balls would be fours in an over only if the match in a cricticle position.
For ex-Lets take WC 2007.I think you all are aware of that ground.Its a very big ground and hitting a six is not that easy.Not at all easy.The point is that the India couldn't even touched 200's against Bangladesh and its now the duty of a bowler to kep pressure and take wickets.A 19 years Bangladeshi started hitting him and at once he came forward before the ball was delivered to hit a six and the ball has reached the secound gallery,not even after the boundry rope.There are lots of example regarding his bowling skills.Observe it from today.Breaking up partnerships,Taking out the early wickets,giving the best out of his spell and fulfilling the captains duty are the characteristics of a Good bowler.Bret Lee is one of my example.

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